How to buy


The registration process at the website of the fashion house Luna is extremely simple and consists of several steps.


Users - Registered

1. Click the "Register" box in the upper right corner of the home page.

2. In the window that opens, enter all the information requested.

3. After entering the data, you have a box with a link to the Set of Documents which contains the Terms of Use and operating rules of our site, as well as all your rights arising from the legal regulations of the Republic of Serbia. Please confirm in the box provided for that you have read them and that you agree with them.

4. Confirm the information entered by clicking the "Registration" button.

5. After confirming the entry of the data with the "Registration" button, a new window will appear with the notification of the successful start of the registration process. After that, you will receive an automated message to your email that you have successfully completed the registration process at Please check the mailbox for your email address in order to verify that you have entered the correct email address when registering.

6. The mail that we sent you as an automatic message is in the Inbox folder of your mailbox. If not, please check if it is accidentally in the "Spam" or "Junk" folder. If you want to successfully complete the registration process, you need to confirm your email address by clicking on the predefined field, link, which is in the email message.

7. After clicking on the link in the email, you will be taken to the registration confirmation page.

8. You can access the purchasing process as our registered member.


Users - Guests (order without registration)

If you want to order without registering on our site, fill out the required information on the "Purchase" page under the "Order without registration" option.

We are glad that you have decided to register on our site.

You can continue viewing the site as a registered user or as our Guest and enjoying shopping.

Your Luna!

They said about Luna....

Obožavam LUNA haljine
Obožavam LUNA haljine
Obožavam LUNA haljine. Nekako su u isto vreme i nežne i romantične i jednostavne, a u njima se osećam kao princeza. Mala matura,velika matura – haljina LUNA. Inače, ove godine sam počela studije psihologije u Solunu. Predlažem LUNI da otvori i ovde prodavnicu da bih mogla da obećam da neću menjati brend ni na diplomskoj proslavi.   - Nastasija Đorđević, 19 godina, državna šampionka u streličarstvu
My dress has arriwed!
My dress has arriwed!
My dress has arriwed! Wow! I have never had such a beautiful dress! Thank you! - Tanja Medan from Sweden  
LUNA je moj izbor već godinama
LUNA je moj izbor već godinama
Modna kuća LUNA je moj izbor već godinama unazad, zato što mi pruža osećaj ženstvenosti, elegancije i kvaliteta, koji sa ponosom nosim. Verna sam njihovom brendu, jer su oni verni nama kupcima stavljajući kvalitet i naše zadovoljstvo kao ideal u kreiranju svake kolekcije.  Ljubazno osoblje je isto tako zaslužno za moju lojalnost ovom brendu i uvek čine da se osećam ispoštovano i srećno. Zbog toga se vraćam LUNA modelima iznova i iznova.  - Danijela Mrdak-
Hej igen
Hej igen
Hej igen. Köper båda två. Den vita plus den marinblå. Jätte snygga. Vackert, tidlöst och väldressat med en unik trendig touch.Chic stil till både fest och vardag. Bra passform och snyggt fall.  - Alice Havlickova från Sverige
Luna är för mig kvinnligt
Luna är för mig kvinnligt
Luna är för mig kvinnligt, stil, kvalité och de underbara detaljerna som gör LUNA - Britt-Marie Tjernberg från Sverige
Detaljer, kvalitet, elegans
Detaljer, kvalitet, elegans
Vad är LUNA för mig: Detaljer, kvalitet, elegans, design, unik stil och komfort. Jag önskar er en hel del sålda klänningar och nöjda kunder som kommer tillbaka om och om igen.  Lycka till❤️ - Snežana Nena Savic /Sverige
Feminine, beautiful and unique
Feminine, beautiful and unique
Feminine, beautiful and unique - these are the words that describe Luna. Best regards, Monika from Sweden
You will keep coming back
You will keep coming back
Once you try Luna models you will always keep coming back - for every new collection. - Irena -
Shine with Luna
Shine with Luna
Wonderful, creative, business look and excellent models for all generations. Luna is a choice you will simply shine in! - Mikica -
Well done, all praise
Well done, all praise
You are perfect in models and creations. Addition to quality and beautiful design - its all praise. - Verica -
The perfect fit
The perfect fit
Beautiful materials, perfect fit.. price follows quality... all recommendations. - Mira -
Extremely kind staff
Extremely kind staff
Perfect dresses, great quality. The staff is extremely kind. All praise. - Marija -
Luna - the lady's realm
Luna - the lady's realm
Luna's shops are designed to perfection - felt like I have entered the lady's realm! - Radica -