Payment methods

We have provided you with simple and efficient payment models for all your purchases on the online site of the fashion house Luna:

1. Payment by payment cards during the purchase process on the site

2. Payment by cash at the delivery, exclusively for purchase and delivery on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.


You can pay your order using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express cards, whether you make purchases on the territory or outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The card must be approved by the issuing bank for online (Internet) payment. Your credit card information is not available to our system at any time.


Payment by cards

By choosing the appropriate payment method (one-off or payment on instalments) you will be redirected to the page of the Intesa bank that is protected and safe for this type of payment.

On this page, you need to enter the following information:

card number, expiration date and CVC2 / CVV2 code from your card as follows:

When entering payment card information, confidential information is transmitted through a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and PKI system, as the currently most advanced cryptographic technology. The security of the data during the purchase is guaranteed by the payment card processor, Banca Intesa ad Belgrade, so the complete charging process is carried out on the bank's pages. Payment card information is not available to our system.

* Data entry and checking is performed exclusively between the card user and the Intesa bank, and the Internet seller does not have access to the data exchanged.

Payment is possible with payment cards of domestic and foreign banks.

Payment to residents of the Republic of Serbia is allowed only in RSD currency.

In the event of non-compliance with the rules, the buyer shall bear criminal and material liability.

Only the payment card owner can make a payment.

In the case of a refund, when you pay the goods with one of the payment cards, we oblige that we will refund the funds only through the payment card with which you made the payment (VISA, EC / MC, Maestro and other electronic payment methods) or by payment to your current account. At the request of the seller, the Bank will make a refund only to the account of the card user from which the item was paid.

In no any case, under no circumstances you may require cash refund for a transaction made using a payment card.


Payment in cash on delivery

If you want to buy a product in our online store, and the delivery should be on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, you will have the option of paying by cash at the time of delivery by courier service.

In the case of a refund when you pay the goods in cash, we undertake to make a refund only through a payment card (VISA, EC / MC, Maestro and other electronic payment methods) or by paying to your current account. You may not in any way, under no conditions, request a refund of cash for a cash transaction.


1. Territory of the Republic of Serbia

You can pay for the products of Luna Fashion House for delivery on the territory of the Republic of Serbia by payment cards or cash on delivery through courier service Daily Express.

We send the ordered products to you within 3-5 working days from the receipt of the order confirmation.

If you choose a payment method by cash on delivery, you will make the payment to the courier service upon delivery of the shipment. Please prepare the exact amount of the payment.

In the event that you choose payment by payment cards, you will have the option of choosing, during payment process, between payment by payment cards or payment by payment cards at 6 monthly instalments. Depending on the option selected, you will be able to purchase a product by purchasing for the whole amount of your purchase in the process that you will follow step by step after clicking the "pay" button. Alternatively, you can make a purchase by choosing a payment option at instalments during which you will select the desired number of instalments in the appropriate field for which you want to share the total amount of purchase.

Payment of all orders in the Republic of Serbia is done in dinars (RSD).


2. Worldwide, except the territory of the Republic of Serbia


You can pay the products of the Luna Fashion House for delivery outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia only with payment cards during the purchase process on the website, in the manner described by the payment card procedure.
If the user opts for payment by foreign issuer's payment cards, the amount of the transaction in dinars (if you have chosen for the prices expressed in dinars) will be converted into the settlement currency of the Bank (EUR) according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia. When debiting your payment card, the already converted amount from dinar to euro will be converted to your local currency, according to the rate applied by the payment card operators. The price listed on the website in dinars is fixed, however, due to these conversions it may be possible to deviate from it when you translate it into local currency of issuers of bank cards or when you compare the euro price on our site with the price in euro that was applied in the billing or conversion process of euro into dinars.


Payment of all orders that are delivered outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia is done in euro or by conversion of the euro into the local currency that is valid in the country of delivery. The invoice you pay will include the shipping cost to the desired country / delivery location. In the case where the place of delivery of the products outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia is selected, the price of the desired products will automatically be presented in the EUR currency. In this case, your payment card will be debited by the amount of the euro indicated on the invoice for the desired transaction or in the local currency converted from the amount of the euro shown on the invoice. The price listed on the site in euro is fixed, however, due to conversion, it is possible that there is a deviation from it when you translate it into local currency of issuers of bank cards or when you compare the euro price on our site with the price in euro that was applied in the billing process ie conversion of the euro in the local currency.

If you are unable to make a payment by any of the above methods, please contact us at or call us at +381 12 719 52 47 from 08:00 - 15:00 on working days for all additional information.

Important: By confirming your order, by clicking the "Confirm" button, you agree to the Terms of Payment.

We wish you a successful shopping!

Your Luna!

They said about Luna....

Obožavam LUNA haljine
Obožavam LUNA haljine
Obožavam LUNA haljine. Nekako su u isto vreme i nežne i romantične i jednostavne, a u njima se osećam kao princeza. Mala matura,velika matura – haljina LUNA. Inače, ove godine sam počela studije psihologije u Solunu. Predlažem LUNI da otvori i ovde prodavnicu da bih mogla da obećam da neću menjati brend ni na diplomskoj proslavi.   - Nastasija Đorđević, 19 godina, državna šampionka u streličarstvu
My dress has arriwed!
My dress has arriwed!
My dress has arriwed! Wow! I have never had such a beautiful dress! Thank you! - Tanja Medan from Sweden  
LUNA je moj izbor već godinama
LUNA je moj izbor već godinama
Modna kuća LUNA je moj izbor već godinama unazad, zato što mi pruža osećaj ženstvenosti, elegancije i kvaliteta, koji sa ponosom nosim. Verna sam njihovom brendu, jer su oni verni nama kupcima stavljajući kvalitet i naše zadovoljstvo kao ideal u kreiranju svake kolekcije.  Ljubazno osoblje je isto tako zaslužno za moju lojalnost ovom brendu i uvek čine da se osećam ispoštovano i srećno. Zbog toga se vraćam LUNA modelima iznova i iznova.  - Danijela Mrdak-
Hej igen
Hej igen
Hej igen. Köper båda två. Den vita plus den marinblå. Jätte snygga. Vackert, tidlöst och väldressat med en unik trendig touch.Chic stil till både fest och vardag. Bra passform och snyggt fall.  - Alice Havlickova från Sverige