Right to withdrawal


Dear customers, we inform you that in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette of RS" No.62 / 2014, 6/2016-st. law I 44/2018- st. law), purchase through our website (our online shops) www.fashion-luna.com is considered to be distance sales. You can download the distance contract here. You can read your legally guaranteed rights here.

If you want to give up the purchase, the procedure is simple:

1. Send us to our e-mail address webshop@fashion-luna.com a statement of the cancellation of the distance contract. The deadline for sending a statement is 18 days from the moment of the conclusion of the contract between the consumer and the trader.

2. We will acknowledge receipt of the statement and the number under which it is registered. Our operator will provide you with an address where you need to return the purchased product.

3. You must return the product no later than 18 days from the date you submitted the withdrawal form.

4. Upon receipt of the product and professional verification of its suitability, the money paid will be returned to you as soon as possible within 18 days at the latest.

5. If you withdraw from the contract before the delivery of the goods, the paid money will be returned to you as soon as possible and at the latest in 18 days.

6. Additional costs incurred by customers outside the border of the Republic of Serbia (transport, customs, taxes, banking fees, etc.) are not subject to refund in the event of withdrawal from the purchase / refund of purchased products.

In case of any uncertainty about the purchase in our online store, you can contact us by email at webshop@fashion-luna.com or call us at +381 12 719 52 47 in the period from 08:00 - 15:00 every business day.

Important: By confirming the order, by clicking on the "CONFIRM" button, you agree with the terms of the withdrawal from the contract, ie the right to withdrawal.

Note: If you are not able to fill in the online form, please fill out all the information in the form in writing and submit it with the required attachment of the invoice / delivery note to the address Fashion House Luna, Baje Sekulica bb, 12000 Požarevac.

They said about Luna....

Obožavam LUNA haljine
Obožavam LUNA haljine
Obožavam LUNA haljine. Nekako su u isto vreme i nežne i romantične i jednostavne, a u njima se osećam kao princeza. Mala matura,velika matura – haljina LUNA. Inače, ove godine sam počela studije psihologije u Solunu. Predlažem LUNI da otvori i ovde prodavnicu da bih mogla da obećam da neću menjati brend ni na diplomskoj proslavi.   - Nastasija Đorđević, 19 godina, državna šampionka u streličarstvu
My dress has arriwed!
My dress has arriwed!
My dress has arriwed! Wow! I have never had such a beautiful dress! Thank you! - Tanja Medan from Sweden  
LUNA je moj izbor već godinama
LUNA je moj izbor već godinama
Modna kuća LUNA je moj izbor već godinama unazad, zato što mi pruža osećaj ženstvenosti, elegancije i kvaliteta, koji sa ponosom nosim. Verna sam njihovom brendu, jer su oni verni nama kupcima stavljajući kvalitet i naše zadovoljstvo kao ideal u kreiranju svake kolekcije.  Ljubazno osoblje je isto tako zaslužno za moju lojalnost ovom brendu i uvek čine da se osećam ispoštovano i srećno. Zbog toga se vraćam LUNA modelima iznova i iznova.  - Danijela Mrdak-
Hej igen
Hej igen
Hej igen. Köper båda två. Den vita plus den marinblå. Jätte snygga. Vackert, tidlöst och väldressat med en unik trendig touch.Chic stil till både fest och vardag. Bra passform och snyggt fall.  - Alice Havlickova från Sverige